Summer Holiday Orchestra and Wind Band Courses (8-18 Years) 2025


Please be aware that course dates have changed.

Course Dates are set:

Week 1: 28 July – 1 August

Week 2: 4-8 August 2025

Please complete one form for each child. Price is per child per week.

Booking confirmation will be sent to your address from Please look in your junk folder and add to your safe senders’ domain list.

Full course details including an example day here 

Week One: 28 July – 1 August 2025 Orchestras and wind bands (including brass and percussion) performing music from all genres 8-18 years

Week Two: 4 – 8 August 2025 Orchestras and wind bands playing music from stage and screen 8-18 years

This course is for brass, woodwind, strings and percussionists only. Please only apply for one instrument per course.

What grade is your child working at on this instrument? (Last examination taken or teacher’s estimation)

Child’s Details

Please complete your child’s details below. If you would like to place an order for more than one child please repeat this for each child.

Additional Information

Please let us know any additional information that will help our tutors provide a safe environment for your child, such as any additional needs or allergies. This information will remain confidential and only shared with tutors in charge of your child.

Musicale uses photos and videos of students in limited promotional settings. Personal details or names of any children will never be given in such a way that would allow them to be individually identified.
